So rotations. Rotation #6 at CHP completed finally. I learned a lot and worked too hard, but its finally done and I have now officially started my last rotation and last bit of schoolwork ever. I am now in my second week at the Hillman Cancer Center for my acute care rotation. I am not so taken with it so far as it seems to pretty much be a lot of duplication from my other rotations, but I am just eager to finish up so I may be giving it a biased review. Anyway, there are 4 more weeks of this left and 2 more presentations to give (glioblastoma and lieomyosarcoma) and then I am done!!!!
My trip to the APhA 2010 conference was funded by the school, got me out of rotation for 3 days and was my first experience at a professional conference. It rained the WHOLE time, all of my clothes were drenched, and the hotel room was a bit cramped with 5 guys in a 2 small double bed room, but it was a great time. I got to learn a little bit about pharmacy, got to see D.C. a bit, and got to hang out with some other pharmacy kids for a bit and just relax which was really fun. I brought my camera along but it was so wet out the only pictures I took were in bars and I had a difficult time steadying my hand.
The best picture I took the whole time - P1 and P2 kids I hung out with
And then in 42 days, Portland. I finally stopped in to see the vet about how to get my lion Furball onto a plane with the reassurance that I will be able to drug the crap out of him. Now as for the second most difficult part of moving, finding an apartment. For nearly the past 2 months I have been looking up every apartment, townhouse and rental in Portland in the hopes of finding any place that Roxanne, Furball and I could stay in comfortably. I had hoped to have signed a lease a while ago but no one in Portland seems to want to set up a lease as far in advance as I would have liked. After emailing some 40-50 some apartments I finally have found a decent place that is ready to talk about signing a lease. If everything goes well, the lease will be signed this week and apartment 216 will be ours. Keep your fingers crossed.
That's about it for now. I will try and update more in the future. Oh yea, Hellhounds finished off the season in first place 15-1-0 and one the first playoff game 7-1. Semifinals are 2 weeks from now. Come watch at the Harmorville Bladerunners if you are bored 2 Sundays from now.